Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Crossbreed Migration

crossbreed (krôs’brēd’)
v. To produce a hybrid animal or plant by breeding two animals or two plants of different species or varieties.

migration mi·gra·tion (mī-grā’shən) 
n. The moving from place to place.

In the past I've been called a "crossbreed" by those close to me. That is, someone who is neither here, nor there. That's a fairly accurate label. I'm from the south, but made a life in San Francisco. To me, that city will always be home. However, I'm not Californian. And I'm definitely not Southern. I'm somewhere in the middle.

When the second dot com blew up, I was one of hundreds of displaced artists who chose to move on. So I made a choice to go back to the south, and begin evaluating other cities for a fresh start. "The Crossbreed Migration" is a blog that collects together a few different thoughts, news articles, and photos about the places I've lived (or hope to someday live), while I move forward in my migration.

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