Monday, September 12, 2016

"100 Years of Coca-Cola" & "Blue Canoe" in Eat.Drink.Mississippi Mag.

I have two features in the August / September issue of "Eat. Drink. Mississippi"! Read all about the "100 Years of Coca-Cola" exhibit at the Tupelo Automobile Museum, and then page over to "Blue Canoe" to learn about one of the best desserts ever invented! Pick up a copy on sale now at your local bookstore!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Creative Aging's Senior Arts Series

More blog catch up!

These black and white photos are from one of Creative Aging's Senior Arts Series performances at Theatre Memphis. The performers include Creative Aging Storyteller, Elaine Blanchard, Vocalist Laurence Albert, and Jill Brookoff on piano. Not shown are the color versions of these shots; I just really love the mood of monochrome for this story. Especially for the portraits.

Creative Aging is non-profit that coordinates a number of arts programs and events for senior citizens in the Mid-South. As the arts are something very close to me, it's been a joy to volunteer with the organization for the past two years!